Discover the Power of solar energy

Discover the Power of Solar Energy

We help you explore Top-Rated Solar Providers in your area with ease.

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$41,986 lifetime savings
11.6 tons/yr CO2 reduction
874 kwh/yr power produced
*Based on average solar installation
home with solar panels home withe solar panels

more when you switch to solar energy.

Ditch the grid, power your family, and slash those electric bills! Join the solar revolution with the help of MySolarMarket.
Let's brighten your future, together!

We can help you with:

lowering energy costs

Forget the annual energy bill dread! Break free from rising energy costs with solar.

increasing home value

Transform your home into a wealth-building springboard! Boost its value and earn more cash by installing solar.

Discovering Incentives

Give your wallet a well-deserved sunny vacation! Reap the rewards of federal tax credits, state rebates, and even local incentives with solar.

three easy steps. three minutes.

future proof your home.

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become 100% energy independent

Generating and storing your own solar power gives you the freedom to keep the lights on when there is a disruption in the power grid.

home at night

Power your home and benefit from the sun

According to the Appraisal Journal, home buyers are willing to pay on average an extra $40k or more on homes with Solar installed.

increase the value of your home

Unlock the full potential of your home with MySolarMarket. By harnessing the power of solar energy, you're not only saving on electricity bills but also significantly increasing your property's value. Solar-equipped homes have been known to sell faster and for higher prices. With solar, you're making a long-term investment that demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency, while also enjoying tax incentives and rebates.

help save the planet

By embracing solar energy, you’re making a significant contribution to saving the planet. Solar panels are a crucial step towards reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. By generating clean, renewable energy from the sun, you're reducing reliance on fossil fuels, which are a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Every kilowatt-hour of solar energy means less pollution and a healthier environment for future generations.

technological advancement

Solar panels represent a pinnacle of technological advancement, offering a sustainable and efficient solution to our energy needs. The development of photovoltaic technology has led to increasingly efficient solar panels that can harness more energy from the sunlight than ever before. Innovation in materials science and engineering has made solar panels more durable, lightweight, and cost-effective, paving the way for widespread adoption.

home interior


Shopping for Solar can be confusing

MySolarMarket makes it easy for you

What incentives are available for installing solar panels?

Incentives vary by location but may include federal tax credits, state rebates, and local incentives. It's advisable to check with local authorities and consult with solar installers to explore available financial benefits.

Do solar panels require regular maintenance?

Solar panels are generally low-maintenance. Periodic cleaning to remove dust and debris, visual inspections for any damage, and checking the inverter display for error messages are recommended. Professional inspections every few years can ensure optimal performance.

What is the lifespan of solar panels?

Most solar panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, but many continue to operate efficiently beyond that period. Regular maintenance and proper installation contribute to their longevity.


Ready to make the switch?

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